“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” - Jim Rohn
Not only do I agree with this idea, but I believe this is something that everyone should really take some time and pay attention to. What we must remember is when we are selecting the people who we choose to be around, we are selecting our influences. Let's look at the atom. We have protons, neutrons and electrons. If we look at an electron, we know that they carry a negative charge and are located furthest away from the middle of the atom. They are the furthest from the inner circle. If you have people that are negative, always complaining, gossiping, and criticizing, they need to remain at a distance. They should have no place in your inner circle. The neutrons have no charge and are considered neutral. These people can best be called acquaintances. They have no charge, therefore cannot add much value to your inner circle. The time you invest with these people is more on a casual or social basis. Finally we have the protons. They have a positive charge. These are people you want around you because they will help build you up, look out for you, teach you, add value to your life, and you can do the same for them. How? Because you stopped wasting time taking on habits and traits of the negative people in your life and freed up time by not investing so much of it with acquaintance where value is not often exchanged, you positioned yourself to be an asset to other protons in your inner circle. You are now focused on building yourself up positively. You now can influence others in a positive way as well. One last thing to understand: It does not matter how many positive people you call friend, you will still come into contact with many people who are not positive. The key is in knowing who you should grant access to concerning your inner circle. By granting people access to your inner circle, these people are the ones you are choosing to allow to influence you the most. Love everyone, but select whom you want to be influenced by wisely. How can you tell which people you should be choosing? By Matthew 7:16 of course. Talk soon & God bless, MG
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