The Bible for me is something that I submit to and that I allow to govern my life. Are there things in the Bible I do not agree with? In my flesh, yes absolutely. This does not mean I get to not follow things in the Bible because I disagree. When people do this, I believe they are acting out of emotion. I made a conscience choice to allow this book to govern my life. Just like any relationship, you have to take the good with the bad if you are truly dedicated.
One thing I can appreciate in following the Bible is that my truth has an external reference point. This reference point has been passed down for years and has survived many generations. The reason I personally believe what is in the Bible is because I have been able to find great wisdom and insight for my life. For me, the Bible has allowed me to gain discipline, self-control, aided my development in emotional maturity, and enabled me to make choices for the embetterment of men, not man. Where I do have a problem with both believers and non-believers is when we get into these hypocritical stand offs and begin judging one another. I learned I have been able to find peace long ago being that I can agree to disagree respectfully with people who's opinions differ from mine. I am not worried about who wants to join “my team” or my church. I am not into the business of winning anyone over. I am however, worried about the people that honestly want to know about the gospel and may be denied this opportunity because of politics and selfishness. I am however, worried about the people who may never hear anything about the gospel and never be given a chance to make a decision for themselves. I am a firm advocate of allowing people the freedom to have their own choice, and are able to do so through their free will. Any argument beyond that is not a worthwhile investment of my time. I did not see Jesus heading down to the coliseum to debate truth. They either got on board with what be was saying or they didn’t. No love was lost and Jesus kept it pushing! For those who make a choice not to follow Christ, that is exactly what it is, a choice. There were people in the Bible who rejected the man to His face so it should not be any surprise to anyone that the same thing happens today. Jesus still continued His ministry and sought out those who wanted to grow with Him. This is where my focus is. This is the model I follow. One thing I do not do is choose to love or not love a person based on if they agree with me or not. That is not what my Bible teaches me to do. I would rather people that are living an alternative lifestyles than mine, have a genuine friend in their life that is a believer in Christ Jesus. I believe this is imperative because if a time ever came and they did have questions about God or Christ, they would have a relationship with a person that they could turn to. This would allow for an open and honest conversation to take place free of any agenda, politics or judgment. I chose a lifestyle in which I follow the teaching of the Bible. It has not only empowered me in my life, but it has allowed me to help others in theirs. My only real desire in the short time I do have here is to serve as many people as I can with the quality people deserve. My Bible not only permits this lifestyle, it shows me how to achieve it. Talk soon & God bless, MG
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