Attaining the best version of yourself requires breaking away from learned behavioral patterns that have continually prevented you from realizing your full capabilities. You will have to identify which patterns are holding you back, unlearn information, and create entirely new thought processes.
To achieve this transformation, you will have to shift your way of thinking. Shift means to transition from one place to another. Crossing this space is much easier said than done, though. Constructing the courage to shift will require great effort and strategy. It will test your limits, unravel everything you thought was real and, force you to look deep within yourself. But ultimately, it’s the key to unlocking the enormous potential within. Visualize a pot of water heating up under a fire.. As the temperature steadily rises, bubbles of vapor eventually gush to the surface, forming a white mist of tiny water droplets escaping into the air. The temperature needed to generate this transformation from liquid to gas is 212°. Once this boiling point is reached, however, the steam generated can do amazing things, from propelling massive locomotives to driving electric power turbines. The water at 211° it was hot, but when it reached 212° it began to boil. This one degree change in temperature altered the water’s potential, and unleashed a new set of properties and possibilities.. Before the water changed from liquid to gas, it had to face extreme external pressure. The intensity of the heat created by the flame set the water in motion towards its transformation. Your shift will be no different. The question that remains is how do you become that one degree? Do you have what it takes to set ablaze the flame of transformation? Your shift is waiting - time to light the fire within. Written By: Coach DJ Williams ---- Photos By: Martha Pimentel Photography Ad Photo By: Blue Eagle Society Photography
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3/13/2018 10:43:09 pm
I’m definitely at 211 degrees, just needing that one extra degree to really get my fitness goals rolling. Thanks for helping me see this in another way, hopefully I can finally get the job done!
Coach DJ
3/14/2018 01:22:33 pm
I appreciate your honesty and willingness to let us know exactly where you're at in the process Anna. The great thing is that you are already at 211 degrees as opposed to just turning on the flame. You are one degree, one extra push , one more rep away from unlocking your potential and achieving the results you desire.
3/29/2018 07:56:09 am
Hmmmm...not sure what is up next for me. I think I’m going to train for a half marathon which is on a whole different level. It’s to raise money for clean water. Giving it to God and where he wants me to go. I know he will get me here I need to be. Light that fire!
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