When opportunity knocked, how did you respond?
I think one of the biggest fears people of faith wonder about is the possibility that they may have missed out on something. Often there is a fear of getting it wrong, especially when you experience the perfect will dilemma. This concept is based on the idea that God’s will is a perfect series of events we must figure how to align. People try and live their lives trying to connect these ideal moments and events, hoping for the perfect outcome. I know this because I was stuck here myself. I realized that whatever decision I make, God is with me and not leaving. I realized that the perfect will of God is a development of morals, principles, and convictions that are supposed to help govern our decisions while utilizing our free will. I realized that repentance, grace, and mercy would not be needed if we got it right all of the time. Grace and repentance are often examined, but let me focus on mercy briefly. “Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief.” Paul demonstrated that mercy was activated from ignorance. Be easy family. Whether you believe you’re prophetic or not, you cannot know all that is ahead. Only God, Doc and Marty McFly have those capabilities. If you do not know what to do next and are seeking God honestly, make the best decision you can and allow God to be there with you through it all. If you think you have already missed it, you might have. Is that really the point though? No! Letting go of how you think things in your past should have went will be one of the most liberating experiences of your life. There is still greatness to be lived out. God is still working on your behalf. Do not allow the frustrations of formulating a perfect series of events or anything in your past keep you from focusing on all the potential of what the future holds. Repent, be thankful for mercy, walk in grace but most importantly, keep going. Talk soon & God bless, MG Edited by Jeni Watanabe
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