If it really is all about who you know, remember who your Father is.
Often times, many people tell you it is about who you know and this is true. Especially the way the market is right now, more than ever you should be out networking and doing your part to make contacts. As the old saying goes, "If you're not networking, you're not working." Let me remind you though, no matter how many people you have in your phone, sometimes it is not always clear where the next opportunity will come from. So yes, do the practical and network; however, if you are not praying during this process of seeking what is next, you are not giving yourself an opportunity for your faith to grow. So how was I able to make it to LA for this opportunity? Not only were the people I was working with from the same school as I was, they took the same classes, had the same teachers but I even remember actually seeing some of these people on campus. None of those connections initiated this opportunity. You have to love the irony. It just so happened my cousin received wind there was an opening and she thought of me. She said if I was interested I should apply. She did not know I was 1 degree of separation away from some of the same people. (Thanks Cousin! Love you). In the natural, I qualified myself by doing my part, going to school, applying for the job, etc. but I have been praying for opportunities to open and continued to pray as I followed through. I could have never predicted how something like this would play out. If you are seeking new or next, let us never forget Matthew 6:33 "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need." This has and remains to be one of my life’s guiding principles. If you have been doing this, keep going. Your faith is truly growing. If you have been seeking simply opportunity on your own merit and you are a believer, might be time to adjust your focus. Talk soon & God bless, MG
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