An opportunity came across my desk earlier this year. It was to work out of Santa Monica and Downtown Los Angeles, Ca. for a few weeks at the Recording Academy for the Grammy Awards. I knew this was a good opportunity to stretch me a bit and get me out of my comfort zone. I am a planner and organizer. There were many unknowns about this situations and taking on an opportunity like this was not in my plan. I believe my test was stepping out in faith and seeing how this would all work out.
I decided to stay with my Godparents during this time. They have always been a light to me and I was very thankful they offered to open their home to me. My Nina's (Godmother's) hospitality was amazing. In a conversation I was having with my Nino (Godfather) about moving, traveling and general transition, he stated: “If you wait to have all of your t’s crossed and your i’s dotted, then you'll never do it.” Let me backtrack a bit. See, I have always had a desire to travel. The reason I have yet to pull the trigger is because well, point blank, finances. I have yet to prioritized traveling over some of my other financial obligations. Even a small trip such as this one was new territory for me. He was excited for me that I was on this journey and was very encouraging. Talking with him about this subject, I knew in the pit of my stomach he was right. This is when I realized sometimes it's not about abandoning all that you know, but taking what you do know and utilizing it in new surroundings. The new balance I was in need of was learning how to move when the sentence is being written and cross the t’s and dot the i’s as I go. Where my planning and structure will serve well is seeing to it the t’s and i’s will be completed along the way. I needed to learn to trust that about myself. For where I miss it, I pray God’s grace to cover me as I seek to be in His will throughout any journey I find myself on. Looking back, becoming an Angelino for a while was hopefully the first trip of many more to come. Talk soon & God bless, MG PS: After I wrote this post, I come to find out the theme of the After Party this year was traveling. If you ask God to show you, guide you, help you to understand, do not be surprised when He does just that.
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